Today was Kids Day at the Coast Guard Festival downtown.

Papa even came with us for fun!

Gabers, I race you up the steps!

Race you down Sis.

You go first Gabers.

I am not so sure about this going down thing...

I made it down safe after mom climbed up and got me.

Wow, check that out.

That is the biggest cow I have ever seen.

Okay, I am ready to go home!


Chill Sis before you do something you regret!

I'm sorry I threw your pacifier out of the stroller Sis.
How was I to know mom wouldn't see it and it would be lost forever?

I miss my giraffe!

Lucky I am loved and I was given this giraffe.

It is not MY giraffe but it will do.

I said I am sorry!
Isabella, Phia knows you are sorry.

Then why did she bring it up?

I think she brought it up because when you get tired sometimes you get crazy.
I am crazy.
Yes, yes you are.

And you love me that way.
Sometimes Sis.

Let's be crazy together Gabers.

I mustache, what do you have in mind Sis?

OMG, that is great Gabers!

I know.
Mom's notes - Sometimes the best plans do not pan out. Today was Kids Day and I personally was looking forward to it. I planned on going early before the crowd go too thick so that Gabriel would not stress with a large crowd. Well we went early and there was already a HUGE crowd. Gabriel's only plan was to run around showing off in front of all of the people. Isabella was tired after a Great long weekend with Rain so she quickly became very crabby. Poor Phia was along for the ride. In the middle of our craziness Phia's giraffe disappeared. Phia is touchier than normal due to her having thrush and the poos. Thrush causes sores in the mouth so it hurts quite a bit. The town is crazy due to the festival. I ran out to the stores downtown in search of another giraffe. The two stores that carry the pacifiers with animals were sold out of the giraffe pacifier. DANG IT. Lucky a friend managed to find a pink Giraffe as a replacement. Needless to say we did not stay at Kids Day very long. It was not worth everyone in the family being stressed. We came home where Gabriel can run and Isabella could rest instead. We ended up spending most of the day outside playing on our personal playground. Some days are Don't days.