We will play educational games.
And share!
What should we play first Gabers?
DA BOT!!! (the robot)
Mom's notes - Gabriel is very into robots right now. Everything that has a robot in it is his favorite. His favorite iPad app at this exact moment is 'Talking Roby' (free). He loves to talk and hear Roby repeat what he is saying.
My little man had me in hormonal tears on the way home tonight. The weather here in Michigan is very cold and snowy, creating very rough driving conditions. Tonight all I wanted to do was get home from work, pick the kids up from daycare and put my feet up for the night. I got the kids and was on the way home when I heard a little voice from behind me..."pease, pease, pease (please)" It kept getting longer demanding that I address it. I asked Gabriel what he wanted and his reply was 'pease, Mimi, pease, pease, Mimi pease'. (Side note - Gabriel calls Papa, Mimi because that is just what Gabriel does.) Of course I could not say no to that. My little man asking for something he wants using his words and being so dang polite. I am tearing up thinking about it! After visiting with Mimi and Papa we started on another road adventure home and my little voice started again, 'pease, pease, pease'. What did Gabriel ask for next? 'pease, dadda, pease, pease, dadda pease'. I can't wait to hear from someone that he asked for me like that.