I am so glad mom saw the horses on our drive to the party today Sis!

I am glad they had puppies and goats for me to play with Gabers.

Ya, you were too chicken to play with the horses!

Shut your mouth Gabers, I had a lot of fun at the party!

It was a great time, I was sad to go home!

I drove a car, Sis.

I told you to get out, Gabers!

And I sped off!

How rude Gabers!

How rude Gabers!

MOM, Gabers is copying me!

Hi mom, I am just standing here.

Oh Gabers!

I was a good boy and sat down for food!

MMMMM, food!

I even ate some ice cream Sis!

Wow Gabers, That is great!

We got to see a lot of great friends today!

You beautiful Girlfriend Lily was there!

Tyce and I put the baby in the dryer and watched it spin!

Thank goodness Kai came to the rescue!

Piper, Emma and G. had so much fun in the wagon, we love the wagon too Sis!

Happy birthday Emma! Thank you for inviting us!