We had a busy day today. I planted many plants to help our house look better from the outside. I know they will look better next year than they do right now but it's going to be great!

The kids want to play in their sprinkler no matter what they are wearing. It is easier and faster to change them out of their wet clothes than it is to put dry swimsuits on and then change them out of their wet clothes. If you didn't notice that they are in their regular clothes please ignore this message and continue on with the post. :)
DADDY, you HAVE to check out this new toy Mom got for us!!! Watch closely or your might miss it!

Did you see that Daddy?

Here I go again!

I had to talk Isabella into trying it last night.

She did not want to try it but I told her she would like it if she tried it.

She tried it and guess what... She liked it too.

That's not quite how it went Gabriel.

Well you like it don't you?

Yes, but I had to talk you into trying it out.

Details Isabella, Details!